Partnership of andCards and igloohome to Bring Automated Room Booking Systems to Coworking Spaces in Korea

IoT for Coworking Spaces: andCards and igloohome to Deliver a Fully Automated Room Booking System

A fully automated room booking system is coming to coworking spaces.  The company behind IoT smart locks igloohome has partnered with andCards to deliver a cutting-edge solution for coworking space-automation.  Cards Corp. is the developer of andCards, the unified communications software for coworking and organizations.  igloohome specializes in smart locks and lock boxes that require time-sensitive PIN codes or Bluetooth keys.  They will be bringing their service to MyWorkSpace in Seoul to provide a fully automated room booking service.  Therefore, coworking spaces in Seoul should pay close attention.

How it will work

The system will allow managers to use their co-working spaces to their fullest potential.  Furthermore, it will allow managers to efficiently and securely utilize a coworking space by using igloohome’s digital locks.  These locks will be a perfect match with andCards easy to use room booking system.  This is a part of andCards coworking management software service.  Guests will now be able to access the spaces by putting in their temporary password.  Therefore users can now access these rooms on their own!  This will save the managers of these coworkers a lot of time.

“andCards offers a powerful solution to improve coworking space utilization, save manager’s time and money. Now, thanks to this new exciting partnership with igloohome, andCards becomes an irreplaceable tool for any coworking center that wants to utilize their meeting rooms efficiently and securely.” — said Igor Dzhebyan, the CEO of andCards.

Pilot Run in MyWorkspace Gangnam

My coworking spaces might be curious how the service will work.  You will be able to try out the service for yourself.  They will be starting out at MyWorkspace coworking spaces in Gangnam sometime this spring.  andCards and igloohome will run the pilot project there to start.   This will be the first time a service like this has been used in a coworking space in Korea.  MyWorkspace is the most innovative coworking space in Korea.  Therefore, they are always very eager to adopt new cutting-edge IoT solutions.

“igloohome is delighted to embark on this partnership. andCards solution makes the booking of co-working spaces hassle-free we believe that together with the remote capabilities of our locks and time-sensitive access we can provide, management and use of such spaces will be made much more convenient.” — said Anthony Chow, the CEO of igloohome.

Representative Ronald Yang of MyWorkspace said, “Managing a shared office with a co-working space, many conference and seminar rooms, is actually more challenging than it seems. I believe, however, that the IoT equipment integrated with software is going to make room management more efficient and provide more convenient UI and UX.”

andcardsTherefore, those interested in this service should visit MyWorkspace in Gangnam.  Head over and check it out for yourself.

John Yoon

John Yoon is the Editor in Chief at Startup Radar, Organizer for Startup Festival 2017, and the Intl. BD Manager at 500v2. Email = [email protected] Wechat, Kakao, and Line user ID is jswy315

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발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해