Chemistry could become kids’ favorite subject with MEL Science

The greatest Chemistry Set for Kids

Mel Science mission is to enthrall children for chemistry.  They will look to do this with their science subscription kits and VR chemistry lessons. The UK-based startup has developed its own approach to teaching science to children.  Mixing up-to-date technology with a classic hands-on approach. Therefore, their main product is a subscription chemistry kit that comes in 2 sets every month. In addition, each kit includes 2 to 3 experiment that helps kids to understand chemistry through hands-on experiences. Currently, the subscription kit has thousands of subscribers.  Furthermore, they have a hundred thousand followers on their social media channels.

The company believes that the MEL science kit is a great solution for homeschooling which is why their main target (for now) is the US market as there are over 2 million homeschooling families.


The first Chemistry Lessons in VR

Additionally, the company announced that they will be entering the school education market with VR lessons.  These VR lessons will be designed for the US K-12 curriculum. As science education is fundamentally the same as it was 50-100 years ago the company wants to innovate the way lessons are delivered. By entering VR classes children are fully immersed in the scene and can’t get distracted.

“Science principles are largely based on what happens inside, at a micro-level. This is not 100% true, but it is true most of the time. The most interesting things in chemistry happen on the molecular level,” says VassiliiPhilippov, CEO and founder of MEL Science “The presence inside the scene and ability to interact with objects of education activates the parts of our brain that are responsible for navigation in 3D space, which enhances our memory and comprehension. Therefore, we also use some game-like techniques to ensure better involvement in the material. ”


VR lessons will be distributed to schools through multiple vendors.  Therefore, by the beginning of the next school year, MEL Science will have all the lessons ready for the whole chemistry curriculum.  Furthermore, these lessons will cover more than 80 topics – both educative and interactive.

Headquartering in London, UK MEL Science runs most of its R&D in Saint Petersburg, Russia.  In addition, they have raised over 5 million USD to date from multiple US and European investors.

If you are interested in Chemistry, follow the company’s social media for fascinating experiments and lessons!

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Sue Nguyen

Sue is a Visual Content Creator and Social Media Manager at Startup Radar. She is a creative from Berlin and speaks 4 languages fluently. Message her in German, English, Korean or Vietnamese: [email protected]

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발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

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