Powercore: Connecting Online and Offline Marketing Experiences

Introducing Powercore

Powercore is based in San Francisco and Tokyo, so half my time is in the States and half my time is in Japan.  I have been doing startups for the last 10 years.  I started a company 10 years ago about doing games on Facebook.  My background is in technology, entertainment, and licensing.

I would like to explain what Powercore does in regards to offline to online.  We take toys and all sorts of merchandise and we tie that to digital experiences.  Furthermore, we come from an analytics background and actually tie that to entertainment and to video games.

Offline Marketing to Digital Experiences

We are starting from the perspective that brands have been doing offline marketing for a long time.  The issue with that is that if you think about doing offline marketing along with performance marketing which a lot of advertising has been doing with Google Ads, is that analytics and metrics associated with these things are actually very disjointed.  So Powercore comes from that background which is that we have been looking at offline marketing piece and actually trying to tie that to digital experiences.

So we empower the brands to take the monetizing properties, move them to direct online sales and be able to move them from the licensing piece of it to move it over to the digital piece.

We do everything from looking at toys to physical locations and doing augmented reality pieces for it.  We also do the digital piece where we actually take games and apply their virtual economy of those things and tie them all the way to the physical properties of those things.  Powercore is actually all the things in the middle that allow you to do the metrics and calculate all that together.

An example of how all it works is that if you think about Pokemon Go which was one of the most successful games in recent years.  In Japan, Pokemon Go actually did a huge campaign with McDonalds where they actually had Pokemon that were only catchable in McDonald locations.  This drove a huge amount of traffic in the chains which in turn drove up sales 27%

Jia Shen
Jia Shen

Jia is the CEO at PowerCore a Smart Toy Platform. Prior to founding RockYou at 25, Jia had deep experience across a range of technology companies, including consumer shopping, email authentication and security, Enterprise International Supply Chain Management, and VoiceXML / telephony. Jia is a guest contributor for Startup Radar.

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발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해