CICERON: AI-Based Translation Korean Startup

Translation services are in South Korea are in high demand

Korean Startups usually all have the same issue.  Their company does not have a global team.  Usually Koreans that only speak Korean dominate the company.  Therefore translation services are in high demand because the cost of acquiring foreign talent is in such high demand in Korea.  Korean startup CICERON an AI-based translation Korean Startup, which was founded in 2015, deals with professional translation services.

They were part of the 2016 KOCCA (Korea Creative Content Agency) Incubator program.  By 2017 they were able to complete the development of AI translator “MARO” and late 2017 joined the KODIT NEST’s 2nd batch program.  Some of their customers include KT, Trinamic, and Seoul National University just to name a few.  In 2015 they were working with only 3 companies but by 2017 they had 27.  The same goes for their language services.  Early in 2015 they only offered 4 languages services, but now they are offering 11.

Introducing “MARO”

What makes CICERON attractive is their incorporation of AI technology into their translation service.  In addition, they also have over 100 specialized translators that give data to their AI learning translator “MARO”.  MARO got an incredibly high score of 25 on the BLEU Score, which is a numerical index that indicated the performance of a translator.  Furthermore, it shows the degree of similarity between a human translation and a machine translation.  The score of 25 beats Google Translate by 3.

CICERON MAROTheir strongest translation service works for the Chinese market.  Baogao which translates Chinese into Korea is great for overseas students.  It was built by analyzing the revisions of over 1,000+ Chinese students for 3 months to get the most accurate translation possible.  Therefore, those Chinese students looking to get into Korean schools will benefit the most.  Baogao also offers one to one admission essay services for Chinese students wanting to get into Korean Universities.

CICERON aims to become the top translation platform not only in Korea but in Asia.  Their AI-learning platform will be the key to their success as well as their Chinese platform Baogao.  The deep-learning sector grows 100% annually which means the market for language translation is a 13 billion won market already.

John Yoon

John Yoon is the Editor in Chief at Startup Radar, Organizer for Startup Festival 2017, Head of Operations Korea at EOS Asia and the Global Marketing Director for Email = [email protected] if you are interested in guest contributing and helping the Korean startup ecosystem. Wechat, Kakao, and Line user ID is jswy315

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STARTUP RADAR 스타트업 레이더, 등록번호: 서울, 아04879

발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해