MEL Science: Study Chemistry at Home

A Family of Chemists

I come from a family of chemists, my granddad is a chemist, my dad is a chemist.  My brother followed in my dad’s footstep, he is a biochemist.  I myself studied for 4 years in a specialized school in biology and chemistry.  This is one of the reasons why I actually got into MEL Science.  To get into MEL Science you have to pass two hours and 16 pages of scientific tests.  Everyone in our company from designers to developers to authors is somehow connected to science or has a degree in chemistry.  Some might think we were working on a cure for some disease or finding a new form of life.  No, we are just creating the greatest chemistry set out there for kids.  Also creating the first chemistry lessons in virtual reality.

MEL Science founder Vassili Philippov realized that the current system of education lacks hands-on experience.  It is rather focused on getting kids prepared for tests rather than learning and understanding what is going on inside.  If you have kids and are concerned about their education then you might understand what I am talking about.  Vassili came out with this idea of reinventing the chemistry kit as we know it and by creating a subscription since chemistry have lots of topics to cover and subscription comes out to be a great solution to convey them.

Here is how it works. 

You go to our website, you sign up, and start getting two chemistry kits every month with all the instructions and ingredients included delivered to your door.

We upload our chemistry projects on our facebook page and we have gotten over 100,000,000 million total views in 2017.  Therefore we are working very hard on our content and we are producing around 5 videos each week.  In addition, almost every day we put out new illustrations with fancy chemistry effects.

We made a survey recently and it came out to be that if few percent of our subscribers actually don’t have kids.  So found that even adults traded in their weekend Netflix and Rose nights to do some chemistry experiments.

We are mainly focused on U.S. sales as we are selling to the U.S. only at the moment.  One of the reasons for that is not only because the U.S. is the second biggest e-commerce market in the world after China but because there are over 2 million homeschooling families in the U.S. and MEL science comes out to be a great solution for those who study at home.

Fedor Katrukha
Fedor Katrukha

Fedor Katrukha started his career in internet in one of the largest Russian e-commerce holdings - KupiVip in 2012, after he co-founded first designer oriented shopping club in Russia -, since autumn of 2017 he is leading all marketing activities in subscription-based educational startup MEL Science.

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STARTUP RADAR 스타트업 레이더, 등록번호: 서울, 아04879

발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해