Korean Startup Fount: Design Your Investment

Nowadays, many people feel insecure about their assets.  This is because of the confusing and complex finance investment processes. What Korean startup Fount does is different. They help you understand your assets easily.  As well as plan it in a stable way.  Then manage it transparently. Furthermore, Korean startup Fount runs Bluewhale.  It is a robo-advisor engine that comes up with the best mix of your asset.  It uses financial data analysis technology and asset distribution theory. Through observing the financial market, regarding the changes in the market, it readjusts the asset distribution strategically. Simply to say, Bluewhale filters data, sees asset clusters, selects asset, weight allocations, make a portfolio and rebalances it regarding circumstances. Every step is done strategically with numbers and everything is managed according to a data set.

Benefits Fount provides

  1. The web page Fount runs is simple to use and it intuitively tells you what to do for the services. You can easily access the information page.
  2. The service is available on mobile and web.  Therefore you can check your portfolio whenever you want with ease.
  3. Your account will be managed transparently, and you can check how your money is managed and how much interests were made whenever you are curious.
  4. Due to the simplification of the process and the automation of the investments by an algorithm realized by the robo-advisor, you can use the service with a low commission fee.


Fount already has four services.

Alpha: Alpha provides an asset distribution portfolio utilizing AI. It considers the customer’s information and his or her tendency when it diagnoses current portfolios and automatically suggests rebalancing when needed.

Fount Champion Roboadvisorlab: Asset analysis utilizing Fount investment consultation’s algorithm, it is a lab-account service that operates asset distribution.

Truston-robo retirement annuity fund: With the collaboration of Fount investment consultation and Truston asset management, it selects the candidate for investments and adjusts the asset distribution portion.

Truston 50/30 asset distribution fund: A public offering fund that manages asset distribution regarding Fount investment consultation, Truston asset management, and Hyundai investment security.

Chloe Han
Chloe Han

Chloe Han is a journalist at Startup Radar. She covers the Korean startup scene as well as the latest Korean culture related content. She attends Yonsei University, majoring in Business Administration and English Literature and Language.

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발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해