Korean ICO Company ICON a Big Hit at Consensus

ICON at Consensus 2018

The best role model for Korean ICO startups is the Korean ICO company ICON (ICX)ICON is looked at as the gold standard for crypto companies.  They launched late last year and is already in the top 20 cryptos because all the experts in the crypto space agree that is a fundamentally sound.  They have a loop chain technology called Loop.  This platform connects multiple blockchains easily.  This way these blockchains will be able to communicate with each other.  This is very favorable for many institutions which is why ICON has already formed partnerships with many industries in Korea and many corporations have adopted this innovative technology.

What makes ICON have so much potential is their ability to connect hospitals, schools, insurance companies, and etc.  Data can be shared easily and quickly.  It is only a matter of time before this loop chain technology will be implemented not just in Korea but globally.  This is why ICON has been getting so much attention at Consensus 2018.  There are many investors and partners that want to join early before ICON really explodes.

Davinci Labs

Another hot topic with ICON comes with the Davinci labs AI technology.  This is applied to risk analysis within the finance industry.  AI will help respond quickly to attacks by offering the best possible solution.  Again South Korean banks have already started using this technology with much success.  They have not yet taken it global but once they do it will only increase the value of ICON even more.


ICON has formed many great partnerships in Korea with many of the top companies like Samsung and Hyundai.  They are also forming strong partnerships in the education sector by working closely with some of the top universities in Korea.

Partnering with ICON

ICON uses a delegated proof of stake algorithm which rewards monthly to those holding ICX.  This is why so many investors are investing into ICON because this can only lead to an increase in trading volume.  Therefore this will also drive up the price of the coin.  This could end up being a nice source of monthly income for many investors.

Those interested in speaking with the ICON team they are located in Booth #407 on the 2nd floor.  Their dApps team will be there to give you all the technical answers you might need.

ICON will also do a meetup called Asia Crypto Night:  Fresh off the Blockchain on Sunday night.  They partnered with #Hashed, Kakao Ground X, and Line Unblock.  Those that missed it can check it out on their SNS channels

John Yoon

John Yoon is the Editor in Chief at Startup Radar, Organizer for Startup Festival 2017, and the Intl. BD Manager at 500v2. Email = [email protected] Wechat, Kakao, and Line user ID is jswy315

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