IoT Predictions Startups Should Know

IoT for Small Businesses

Every time there is a big wave of something it is usually all about who is going to be the first to market.  It is less about THAT in this for IoT and more about building a stronger and smarter business.  IoT predictions are not easy to make.   However what I am really interested in seeing are the smaller businesses that are really going to shoot up as a result of really being smart about IoT integration.  It is not just going to be your GEs, your big businesses that already have this massive herculean system in place.  They have probably already dipped their toe into the water of IoT.  It is going to be these smaller businesses.  Maybe not necessarily startups, but your mid-range businesses. They are going to grow, especially because they are delivering a better service more efficiently.

Building Smarter Cities

If cities get the investments that they need.  You can see cities in the developing world really leapfrog cities like New York.  You are therefore democratizing the process.  What interests me the most about that is what you do with the data once it is generated.  Data and IoT is a big issue in regards to whether or not we are using it properly.  What are the regulations?  In the United States, we have a ton of regulations regarding data.  So you can see that as being a barrier to building smarter cities in the states.  Public entities tend to not be so great with data as a whole but it would benefit them to become stronger with data and use that for their social programs.

Data Literacy

Data is going to be a part of everyone’s lives.  So having data literacy and having data skills is going to be extremely valuable.  It will be all about building the machines that can manage that data.  As well as, be building the platforms that can use that data and spit out analytics.  Also, data analytics on IoT data is a whole new territory that is going to need to emerge and become evolved.  You can see the business segments for businesses, for the government, for people, for consumers, for product lines, it is all going to have to happen really quickly.

Caroline Pepek
Caroline Pepek

Caroline Pepek is the Global Communications Manager for MassChallenge. Caroline oversees marketing and PR activities across MassChallenge's six global locations and leads strategic communications for the MassChallenge global brand. At MassChallenge, Caroline specializes in attracting and sourcing high-impact, high-potential startups.

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발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

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