Across Asia Alliance: ReShape Seoul Conference 2018
When AI Meets Blockchain
The main organizer of 2018 ReShape Seoul Conference is Across Asia Alliance. AAA is a community of organizations to connect startups and investors through cross-border networking across Asian startup hubs. Furthermore, those that are members of AAA can exchange investor proposals and business reports written by the startups through AAA’s online platform. In addition, each member can join online and offline activities such as introduction calls, Webinars, mentorships, and startup pitches.
AAA consists of over 20 reputable investors, powered by 5 government agencies, with over 200 VIPs and over 50 global enterprises. Therefore, the main goal of AAA is to build partnerships with the best startups & blockchain projects through 1 to 1 matches.
Here are some of the speakers at ReShape Seoul
Bongjin Ko – Seoul Business Agency
Michael Hwang – Bigbang Angels
Sangho Park – Korea Investment Partners Director
Oscar Ramos – SOSV
Sangyong Han – Orange
Kelly Klein – Alignment
Jerome Lee – Ground X
Just to name a few.
Cross-Border Innovation
ReShape Seoul will offer investors, startups, and mentors both an online and offline platform to learn and experience cross-border innovation through the convergence of entrepreneurship and investments, city policies, and new innovative technologies. Therefore, the conference will take place at Seoul Startup Hub and its main goal will be to assist startup entrepreneurs, corporate innovation teams, policy makers, and individual/institutional investors to find new roadmaps for cross-border innovation. The conference will take place Nov. 21st – 22nd.
Topics to be discussed:
Cross-border Innovators
Entrepreneurship is the key to create new values from utilizing limited resources. Therefore, startups and investors need to look beyond its limited domestic market not only to find its potential customers but also the investors and partners to identify the possibility and transform it into an opportunity for breakthroughs.
How Cities can Emerge to the Blockchain Frontier
While many cities offering aggressive tax benefits, cities should do something better. Therefore, as Seoul has been a test bed for innovation, it shall offer a testing district for crypto usage & adoption. In addition, AAA believes the year of 2019 will be the year for ICO projects to adopt the Blockchain into real life.
Blockchain and AI: Two Main Catalyzers Transforming Industries
Blockchain and AI technology have thrived and attracted attention. Therefore, as the blockchain ecosystem evolves and different use cases come to apply into industry-specific to global ambitions. Furthermore, the conference will explore the opportunities from observing the innovative cases of blockchain and AI improving existing industry cases and present intriguing projects.
Is Security Token the Lord of the Rings?
Blockchain has entered the new era. In addition, the rise of security tokens has come as a distinct asset class. Therefore, the border between ICOs and equity financing is disappearing as traditional equity investors are embracing token. So let’s explore the trend of the blockchain and crypto-assets with the startup and venture investment in the session to explore our opportunities.
John Yoon
John Yoon is the Editor in Chief at Startup Radar, Organizer for Startup Festival 2017, Head of Operations Korea at EOS Asia and the Global Marketing Director for Email = [email protected] if you are interested in guest contributing and helping the Korean startup ecosystem. Wechat, Kakao, and Line user ID is jswy315