Building the Right Startup Team at Mobio Interactive

How I started at Mobio Interactive

I am a neuroscientist and CEO of Mobio Interactive.  A few months ago, I was the principal investigator at the University of Zurik Psychiatry of Hospital.  I quit my job there when I started to see results coming in on the first products that Mobio Interactive were building.  It seemed to me that the research that I am doing is really interesting and important but Mobio Interactive is having an impact now and I really wanted to push that forward.  Now I am taking the risk of joining the entrepreneur world and hopefully it works out.

Building the Right Team

If you want to have a good organization that succeeds everybody on the team needs to be an A player.  Everybody needs to be going forward and they need to be talented.  This can be extremely difficult to achieve, particularly when you have a small name.  So what we really try to do is maintain ourselves as an organization that people want to work for.  We ensure that our outward facing image is one that is positive and we ensure that it is a motivating message.

A True Social Impact Company

We are a social impact company and we are in a place where there is excitement, where there is freedom, where people get to work at the intersection of what they are good and what they enjoy doing.  The most talented people that work at Mobio Interactive are ones that did not respond to a job description or posting.  But rather those that just came to us because they loved what we are doing and want to be a part of it.   Those are the types of people that you really need to pay attention to. People that have the initiative to go ahead and approach you spontaneously.  Make sure you are a place that people want to work and you have that image shown publically.

Try to keep your whole team involved in the decision process.  People tend to like jobs where they feel like they own something and can be proud of the work they’ve done.  If they are just following directions put upon them by management, I think it becomes really hard to maintain motivation in the long term.  So if they feel like they are contributing to the decisions that are being made.  If they feel like their ideas are the ones that are reaching the public then this is something which will keep them motivated in the long term.

Bechara Saab
Bechara Saab

Bechara is the CEO and Chief Scientist of Mobio Interactive, a digital therapeutics and performance enhancement company empowering better living and faster healing. Mobio Interactive blends science and design with internally developed psychobiometrics and rigorously interrogates the efficacy of its products through random controlled trials.

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STARTUP RADAR 스타트업 레이더, 등록번호: 서울, 아04879

발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해