Virtual reality is coming to reality: Korean Startup MAXST

VR and AR are currently getting more attention in the tech industry. Korean startup MAXST is a company who leads AR technologies in Korea. The vision MAXST had was to research on and develop AR technologies that can benefit the world. In addition, they were the first who launched AR SDK in South Korea with highly qualified competitiveness.  They also developed AR software in various fields based on their in-house engine. Furthermore, they are strengthening themselves by providing a variety of AR services which blur the boundaries between reality and virtuality in terms of augmented reality.


Currently, their products are based on 6 major technologies. Each is highly qualified in its usability. Below are explanations of each technology MAXST provides.

Marker-based AR: A marker-based AR application recognizes a marker whose pattern is pre-defined and overlays various multimedia contents.  These include 3D objects and the videos on and around it.

2D Image-based AR: The image-based AR technology can recognize images that are not provided to an application beforehand. Therefore MAXST’s in-house-developed algorithm is based on NFT (Natural Feature Tracking).  This ensures world-class robustness in tracking.

SLAM: MAXST uses a single camera to map and then track a 3D space in real time. Therefore the MAXST SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) technology not only maps the 3D structure of the surroundings and superimposes virtual objects on it but also enables a user to interact with these virtual objects.

RGB-D AR: RGB-D AR jointly calibrates an RGB camera and a depth camera to obtain the depth value of a specific pixel in a video. It is possible to separate the objects from the background by using the information on the distances between the camera and the real-life space, which enables image synthesis without any limitation on the space or color.

Web RTC: AR adds new value to video calling. The MAXST AR video calling solution enables you to annotate on a shared video as well as to send text messages and transfer files. This solution holds enormous potential to be embraced by various fields.

Smart AR Glasses: The MAXST AR technology works great with various smart AR glasses, including Revelio. In particular, MAXST’s launcher for AR glasses makes the best user experience possible with goggle-type devices.


There are three main products MAXST is providing. One of their utmost competitive advantages is that those technologies and products they provide are applicable to various industries. If you are running a business, take a closer look at what they are providing. It is time for you to move forward.

VIVAR: You can get virtual contents on your phone if you look at it through your smartphone camera. You can share what you see on screen and get help from experts too. Through AR drawing and multi-content sharing, if you need advice or consulting, you can easily get to solve problems in varied ways.

Revelio: It is a smart glass that provides AR experiences. It can be applied to various industries as it works without being tethered to a controller and is lightweight, and well balanced.

AR SDK: AR SDK is more like an all-in-one solution. It includes 5 functions such as an image tracker, instant tracker, visual SLAM, object tracker, and QR scanner. It provides the best development environment to realize virtual reality.

Chloe Han
Chloe Han

Chloe Han is a journalist at Startup Radar. She covers the Korean startup scene as well as the latest Korean culture related content. She attends Yonsei University, majoring in Business Administration and English Literature and Language.

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STARTUP RADAR 스타트업 레이더, 등록번호: 서울, 아04879

발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해