Decentralized Social Network Indorse is the LinkedIn for Blockchain

The Future of Professional Networks

Let me start with a question. How many of you use professional networks like LinkedIn  And how many people have ever earned a cent from posting, liking, sharing on LinkedIn?  At Indorse we are going to change this. Users, at any time, has full control what happens with his/her data. Therefore, at Indorse, a user can choose if third parties get access to his private usage behavior or not. If a user chooses to give third parties access to their private usage behavior, the decentralized social network Indorse will ensure, that 50% of whatever is paid by the third party for this information, goes directly back to the user in form of IND tokens.

The user can then directly track all of this through blockchain technology. Therefore, this makes it transparent and fair. In addition, this brings control of the data back to the user and not into the hands of greedy centralized social network platforms like LinkedIn.

Validate your Skills through Indorse

Also, Indorse is all about skills validation. Today, many times, when you hire a candidate for a job, you hardly can tell how good that candidate really is. Everyone is overselling. Therefore, at Indorse, we are changing this. Furthermore, Indorse will validate our user’s skills, their certificates, their diplomas and their employment history. And we hope to change the way how recruitment currently works. But back to skill validation. We currently have two apps running on Indorse.  These apps help us to verify our user’s skills.

First, an A.I. chatbot, that has a conversation with you and thereby figures out how good your knowledge of that particular domain is.  Second, the anonymous indorsement protocol, where users submit a proof element.  That is then reviewed by a number of random experts, who have to obtain a consensus on whether this user has this particular skillset. In addition, validators will stake Indorse tokens and risk their reputation as a validator, shall their opinion differentiate from the majority of validators. For this, we use a blockchain based decision-making protocol that rewards users for acting in a good manner.  As well as penalizes users for acting in a bad manner.

Earn Indorse Tokens

The last is a good example how people, who are active on Indorse, can earn tokens for engaging on the platform. In the future, there will be more use cases for our users to earn Indorse tokens. The largest of them is Indorse becoming an app-store for skills assessment applications. We know there are thousands of different skills sets out there, hard skills, soft skills, interpersonal skills, and there are different assessment tools for different skill sets. Therefore, Indorse will become an Appstore for developers to build their own assessment applications and upload them to Indorse.

These apps can then earn a passive income stream for those developers. The blockchain helps us, that people know that all operations are conducted in a fair and transparent manner.

On the other hand, Indorse tokens will be purchased by advertisers, recruiters and other parties. Being fair and transparent, all data on the money earned will be available and accurately reviewable through blockchain technology.

Richard Klatt
Richard Klatt

Richard Klatt, is the VP of Partnerships at Indorse. Indorse is building the world’s first decentralized professional network. Indorse stands on three pillars, data ownership, data monetization and skills validation. All aspects are great use cases for utilizing blockchain technology.

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STARTUP RADAR 스타트업 레이더, 등록번호: 서울, 아04879

발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

청소년보호책임자: 서해