Find the Best Design for your Company: Korean Startup Superbee

Korean Startup Superbee

When you are launching a new item, you might wonder, is this design the best fit for your product. If your idea and technology are well developed but you are only unsure of the design part, there is a company you should look into.  Korean startup Superbee is a global design group company that supports design development in various industries.

Superbee deals with product design, photo-shoots, visual design, brand development, cataloging, package design, advertisement clips, and website application etc. Local and global designers are ready to design for local targets. Furthermore, global targets can both be prepared respectively with proven qualities. In addition, Superbee has 6 different business sectors including Product, Mechanical, Visual, Web, Media, and Photo. Let me introduce some of them below.

Product Design

Superbee enhances the marketing strategies companies have. Therefore, for companies, product design plays a significant role in entering the market and building the infrastructure in the business fields. Based on analysis of the products, it focuses on the logic of the product and supports professional design in regards to product planning, design consulting etc. For clients, the Superbee team goes through the research, verification process, tooling, drawing, and improvement stages.


Superbee prioritizes the user’s experience and satisfaction rather than superficial designs and persuasions of technical ease. Regarding the purpose of the business and UI/UX trend analysis, it creates a service bound for users. System integration between web and mobile, site building based on WordPress, an application construction will be provided for clients.


The Media team of  Superbee is composed of global media professionals. They create new and creative advertising clips that fit the brand image for their clients perfectly. A fully integrated system that ranges from idea brainstorming to filming& editing increases the quality of video clips and filming methods and tools support the system. Even more, for products published globally, language translation services are available.


Chloe Han
Chloe Han

Chloe Han is a journalist at Startup Radar. She covers the Korean startup scene as well as the latest Korean culture related content. She attends Yonsei University, majoring in Business Administration and English Literature and Language.

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발행인: 주식회사 스타트업 레이더 김동혁 // 편집인: 서해

발행소: 서울 송파구 정의로 8길 13, 6층 (문정동)

발행일자: 2017년 12월 19일 전화번호: 070-4771-5148

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